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My name is Fabio Augusto Faria, I am Brazilian, born in São Roque, Sao Paulo state. I lived with my father and two brothers until early 2003, when I moved to Presidente Prudente city aiming to study Computer Science at the Sao Paulo State University (UNESP). In that period, I developed a passion for the academic life and became determined to pursue an academic career after receiving my Bachelor's degree. Upon graduation, end of Fall 2007 (5-year program), I moved to Campinas city for the Master's degree program of the Institute of Computing (IC), University of Campinas (UNICAMP). I finished my Masters in March/2010 under supervision of Prof. Dr. Ricardo da Silva Torres. I received a Doctorate degree in Computer Science at the same university in March/2014 under supervision of Prof. Dr. Torres and co-supervision of Prof. Dr. Anderson Rocha. From March/2014 to March/2015, I was post-doc research at Institute of Computing - University of Campinas  under supervision of Prof. Dr. Torres. From April/2012 to April/2013 I lived in Tampa/Florida where I was a visiting scholar at University of South Florida (USF) under supervision of Prof. Dr. Sudeep Sarkar. From July/2019 to September/2020, I was a visiting researcher at the Australian Institute of Machine Learning (AIML) - The University of Adelaide/Australia under supervision of Prof. Dr. Gustavo Carneiro. Currently, I am an Assistant Professor of the Institute of Science and Technology at the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP).  My research interests include machine learning, image processing, information fusion, and data mining. When it is possible, I try to support Slow Science.


07/17/2024 - A new paper accepted to Communications of the ACM on July/2024. [link]


04/10/2024 - Two new full papers accepted to GECCO 2024. [link]


11/14/2023 - Best Paper Award in the WUW-SIBGRAPI 2023. [link]


11/30/2022 - TOP 3 among the best papers in the ENIAC 2022. [link]



10/26/2022 - Invited Speaker at the Institute Superior Técnico, Univ. de Lisboa. [link]


06/20/2022 - A new conference paper has been accepted to ICIP 2022. [link]


06/02/2021 - A new journal paper has been accepted to FGCS 2021. [link]


05/11/2020 - Tutorial SIBGRAPI 2020. [link]


08/22/2020 - TOP 1 among the best papers in the ERAMIA-SP 2020. [link]


11/08/2018 - The honorable Mention Award in the WUW-SIBGRAPI 2018. [link]


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