My name is Fabio Augusto Faria, I am Brazilian, born in São Roque, Sao Paulo state. I lived with my father and two brothers until early 2003, when I moved to Presidente Prudente city aiming to study Computer Science at the Sao Paulo State University (UNESP). In that period, I developed a passion for the academic life and became determined to pursue an academic career after receiving my Bachelor's degree. Upon graduation, end of Fall 2007 (5-year program), I moved to Campinas city for the Master's degree program of the Institute of Computing (IC), University of Campinas (UNICAMP). I finished my Masters in March/2010 under supervision of Prof. Dr. Ricardo da Silva Torres. I received a Doctorate degree in Computer Science at the same university in March/2014 under supervision of Prof. Dr. Torres and co-supervision of Prof. Dr. Anderson Rocha. From March/2014 to March/2015, I was post-doc research at Institute of Computing - University of Campinas under supervision of Prof. Dr. Torres. From April/2012 to April/2013 I lived in Tampa/Florida where I was a visiting scholar at University of South Florida (USF) under supervision of Prof. Dr. Sudeep Sarkar. From July/2019 to September/2020, I was a visiting researcher at the Australian Institute of Machine Learning (AIML) - The University of Adelaide/Australia under supervision of Prof. Dr. Gustavo Carneiro. From March/2015 to November/2024, I was an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Science and Technology at the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP). Currently, I am an Assistant Professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico at the University of Lisbon (ULisboa). My research interests include machine learning, image processing, information fusion, and data mining. When it is possible, I try to support Slow Science.
07/17/2024 - A new paper accepted to Communications of the ACM on July/2024. [link]
04/10/2024 - Two new full papers accepted to GECCO 2024. [link]
11/14/2023 - Best Paper Award in the WUW-SIBGRAPI 2023. [link]
11/30/2022 - TOP 3 among the best papers in the ENIAC 2022. [link]
10/26/2022 - Invited Speaker at the Institute Superior Técnico, Univ. de Lisboa. [link]
06/20/2022 - A new conference paper has been accepted to ICIP 2022. [link]
06/02/2021 - A new journal paper has been accepted to FGCS 2021. [link]
05/11/2020 - Tutorial SIBGRAPI 2020. [link]
08/22/2020 - TOP 1 among the best papers in the ERAMIA-SP 2020. [link]
11/08/2018 - The honorable Mention Award in the WUW-SIBGRAPI 2018. [link]