I had the pleasure of presenting two works at GECCO 2024 in Melbourne/AU.

The defense of the Miguel's course conclusion work.

Eduardo Bouhid and I.

Defense on February 28th/2023 - Guilherme Bruno Araújo Pimenta.

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Marcondes Marcacini (ICMC) and Rafael Januzi (ICT/UNIFESP)

Prof. Dr. Santiago Velasco-Forero and I

Invited Speaker - DEI at Wednesdays: Talks, 26-10-2022

Prof. Dr. Jacinto Nascimento and I

Defense on July 28th/2022 - Luiz Henrique Buris.

Defense on December 22th/2020 - Natan Andrade.

Ari's birthday with friends.

Our farewell with Friends in Adelaide/Australia.

Defense on August 28th/2020 - Fernanda Dallaqua

Post-doctorate at the Australian Institute for Machine Learning

Defense on November 29th/2019 - Álvaro Roberto Ferreira Jr.

Thiago Spina, Matheus Macedo, and I

Defense on November 30th/2017 - Elder Donizetti dos Santos

It's a surprising conference for meeting good friends.

Local Organization and All of Chairs.