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Medical Image Analysis and Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD)
Authors: Natan Andrade and Dr. Fábio M. Cappabianco and Dr. Jaime Ide and Dr. Gustavo Carneiro and Dr. Fabio A. Faria
Computer-aided Diagnosis systems (CAD) have attracted the attention of researchers around the world due to the great success achieved in helping healthcare specialists in the interpretation, analysis, identification and treatment of numerous existing diseases. These systems can be computational processes, models or tools which they assist the specialists through the use of database techniques, image processing, computer vision and artificial intelligence applied to different data modalities such as images, signals, videos and textual documents. In the literature, some CAD systems can achieve accuracy results similar or superior to specialists in the treatment of some diseases such as breast cancer, diabetic retinopathy and melanoma. This project aims to propose new deep learning approaches applied to different medical imaging modalities (e.g., X-Ray, MRI and Computed Tomography) and some diseases existing in the literature (e.g., breast cancer, lung cancer and glaucoma).

Published Papers
FARIA, FABIO A. ; CAPPABIANCO, F. A. M. ; Gustavo Carneiro. Sistemas de Auxílio Diagnóstico baseados em Imagens. Cap. 6 do Livro "Ciência de Dados e a Inteligência Artificial na àrea da Saúde". Editora dos Editores. 2s/2021. [link]
ANDRADE, N. ; FARIA, FABIO A. ; CAPPABIANCO, F. A. M. . Improving Similarity Metric of Multi-modal MR Brain Image Registration Via a Deep Ensemble. In: Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 2021. [link]
ANDRADE, N. Desenvolvimento de Métricas de Similaridade em Registro de Imagens Médicas Fundamentada em Redes Neurais Profundas. Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciência da Computação, 2020. Universidade Federal de São Paulo, CAPES. Orientador: Fabio M. Cappabianco e Coorientador: Fabio A. Faria. [link]
ANDRADE, NATAN ; FARIA, Fabio Augusto ; CAPPABIANCO, FABIO AUGUSTO MENOCCI . A Practical Review on Medical Image Registration: From Rigid to Deep Learning Based Approaches. In: 31st SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2018. p. 463. [link]
IDE, J. S. ; CAPPABIANCO, F. A. M. ; FARIA, Fabio Augusto ; LI, C. R. . Detrended Partial Cross Correlation for Brain Connectivity Analysis. In: Neural Information Processing Systems (NeuIPS), 2017, Long Beach. Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2017. [link]
FARIA, F.A.; CAPPABIANCO, F. A. M. ; LI, C. R. ; IDE, J. S. . Information Fusion for Cocaine Dependence Recognition using fMRI. In: 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2016, Cancun. 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2016. [link]
Code and Datasets
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